Welcome to Tape Club
A club of people who like fine music and like sharing it with other people.

How does it work?
Tape club lasts for one year.
Evan & I made up a list (including ourselves) of 12 people.
12 people who would enjoy making one mix tape and getting 11 from other people.
So, we assign each of you a month and when that month comes along, you make everyone else in the club a mix tape.

Who wants to go first?
(no really, who wants to go first?)

Are there rules?
The first rule of Tape Club is that you participate. Accepting the invitation is taking an oath, not just to yourself, but to 11 other people, some of whom you don’t even know. 11 people who want a free mix tape in the mail.

You really make tapes?
Most people make their ‘tapes’ these days on CD, but you are welcome to try another medium (although some of us have lost our tape decks).

So, what do I have to do again?
Well, you are assigned a month. During that month you make a CD and send it out to the 11 people on the tape club list (you don’t have to send yourself one of your own).

How long as Tape Club been around?
I know that my friend Bo has been doing it for a long time. He may have of gotten the idea passed down from Masons for all we know.

I like your club – can I start my own?
Sure! Make your own! Do whatever you want. I am not doing one now anyway.

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