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cast on. slip ons.

Learning to Fall: wipe.
That first night in the cast was the worst. Momma got me home and changed me into one of Dad's overshirts and helped me change into some sweat pants. I spent the night trying to get comfortable in my bed with every pillow in the house propping me up and being brave, not wanting to take any of the pain pills for the gorilla that was jumping up and down on my elbow nerves like a constant case of hitting my funny bone, only it wasn't funny at all.

Around midnight I got up to pee and found out how hard it was going to be peeing with just my left hand. The only thing I can do with my left hand is catch a ball, and even though I can catch almost anything thrown at me with it, my left isn't good for much else--I don't even think it can pick my nose.

When I finished peeing, Momma came into my room and handed me a pain pill and baby's sippy cup so my stupid left hand wouldn't spill in the bed. I didn't refuse the pain pill this time, 'cause I was so tired and it hurt so bad. Soon the room got all warm and this nice little buzzing sound came into my ears and the pain left my arm like someone pulled a plug and it was draining out fast.

Just before I fell asleep I wondered how I would wipe my butt when the time came to poop.

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cast on. slip ons.

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