Post-Modern Drunk: My Time In the Hospital: A New Hospital?
I went to the CT-ICU--which is a short way of saying the Cardio-Thorasic Intensive Care Unit--after my open heart surgery. CT-ICU has, as the name says, intensive care. You have your own nurse and room and lots of machines that go bing and it's all very "We are going to save your life at any moment!" there. While I was there, I started to have an extensive series of recurring dreams.
I kept dreaming that a rival hospital was trying to steal away my business from NY Methodist by convincing me to choose to move to their hospital instead. They way they went about trying to persuade me was to break into CT-ICU commando style by repelling down the building and kidnapping me, taking me to their hospital, and performing the same operations upon me that had already been performed by NY Methodist, but doing a "better" job at it. After which they'd return me to my hospital bed and await my decision.
I had variations on this dream a half a dozen times over the space of two weeks. Every time I had the dream it was a different procedure that was being performed upon me, but each one was one that had actually been performed upon me. And since it was a dream they didn't bother knocking me out, so I got to run through a series of dreams that dramatized operations I'd been lucky enough to be unconscious for in reality.
This has thus far not convinced me to change hospitals.