river rat: Eleven things.
1. I am thinking coffee.
2. With the coffee there will be chocolate and some type of buttery, fluffy pastry in which there may also be chocolate.
3. The woman on the other side of the room eating something vaguely similar to the abovementioned #2 has a mole on her face larger than Mr. Aaron Neville's facial mole, only I believe she shaves or electrolizes or waxes or singes or whatever it is that is necessary to keep the hairs from sprouting all thick and wiry. She is drinking a fruit beverage.
4. Adam sez: "I love sea monsters, but I DO NOT LIKE DRAGONS!" He is reading a book about knights.
5. A woman with tattoos on her neck and cheeks caused Liza to ask the woman if she had just been to a birthday party and if she knew Snow White who is a "really, really good face painter." She looks at my son and then at me as though we wore three heads on our shoulders.
6. I ordered a regular coffee but someone screwed up and gave me a triple mocha instead, for regular coffee price. Win!
7. Paul Friedrich cartoons in the toilet have been altered: not acceptable.
8. Two bear claws later, "When are we gonna' eat again, Daddy?" "Yeah, Daddy. When?"
9. Two friends come in and we are talking and dogs come in and more friends, and soon there's a party at the coffee shop and I don't want to leave, but there's a crotch pot full of pig burbling at home and we have to leave.
10. On the street, in front of Lily's Pizza, my car has been hit by someone. A note is on my windshield. "An asshole hit your car. NC License plate XXX-%%%%. He looked shifty and had two dogs with him."
11. I am thinking, more coffee.