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› Monday 5/31/2004
Pony:  Frolf
Pony:  100 things
› Tuesday 6/1/2004
Lisa Says:  an additional ten things from julie&william
The way I see it:  Alright All You Hipsters, Quit Hatin' On Baseball
› Wednesday 6/2/2004
Film and Television Rights:  25 Things About You
Lisa Says:  b.c
Medium Pimping:  diez anos despues or someone is still saving the world
› Thursday 6/3/2004
Medium Pimping:  "i love you...
Film and Television Rights:  A Few Things about Me that are also (sort of) about Pony
Honky Cracker:  5 Things about New Pirate Jokes
Pony:  5 things about phone fundraising
› Friday 6/4/2004
Robot Journal:  Lovely wedding and a sty in my eye
Pony:  Five random messages from Dr. Bronner
Honky Cracker:  25 Things about Wilford Brimley
Medium Pimping:  avenue q prevails!

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