Ladies and Gentlemen, six years in the making, "The Palaver Omnibus 1999-2004" is hot off the presses!

Featured on this very own happiest of Robots, Palaver is a literary magazine put out by David Willems which collects interesting stories, anecdotes, profiles of friends/relatives, encounters and letters from around the world in bite size chunks. Perfect for a quick read on the bus or subway or waiting for a friend to arrive by hot air balloon in a cornfield in Nebraska.

It is available through the
online store for Saragossa Press.

$13 covers the printing of your very own 200 page collection of 107 stories by 33 of today's hottest writers over the past 6 years.

Makes a great Holiday Gift!


J. Leigh Aschoff
Katie Bredbeck
Adam Broomfield
Lisa Brown
Rich Buchanan
Matt Buscher
Andrei Codrescu
Colin Corcoran
Aaron Dardeck
Adam Dardeck
David DeSouza
Emily Dolan
Sean Effel
Sabrina Esbitt
Thom Fondano
Brian Goodman
Gillian Haro
Anthony Harris
Matt Johnson
Ben Kasulke
Patrick Kehoe
Matt Keppel
Sara Kierstede
Patrick Kinsella
John Lawton
Christopher Malinowski
Michael Pessah
Alex Rose
Patricia Shomion
Irving Stettner
Lisa May Terwilliger
Brian Willems
David Willems

And if you are on the preceding list, congratulations!!
Consider yourself a published author (if you haven't already).

Take care,

David Willems

PS: A Palaver Book Release Party will be coming soon, stay tuned for upcoming announcements!!

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