sunshine jen: Post No. 147
I just learned that happyrobot is seven (7) years old today. Wow. I remember when I turned seven. I thought I was so old. I mean, at six, you are just so immature, but at seven, you know how the school thing works.
I wanted to do something special for happyrobot turning seven. However, once again, I've got nothing, so I called my good friends, the seven dwarfs (Disney crew). Unfortunately, all I got was an answering machine. So, let me just say to Doc, Bashful, Happy, Sneezy, Dopey, Grumpy, and Sleepy, you guys let me down.
Next, I wanted to do a tour of the seven wonders of the ancient world:
The great pyramid of Giza The hanging gardens of Babylon The statue of Zeus in Olympia The temple of Artemis at Ephesus The Mausoleum of Maussolos at Halicarnassus The Colossus of Rhodes The lighthouse of Alexandria
Unfortunately, only the great pyramid is still standing and all the flights to Egypt were booked. I just want to say that the ancient world gets a lot of mileage out of shit that no longer exists.
Fortunately, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) came up with a list of the seven wonders of the modern world, so I decided to do a whirlwind tour.
First stop was the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. Next I flew down to the Panama Canal in Panama. Then, down to Paraguay to check out the Itaipu Dam, wow, big. Then up to New York for the Empire State Building with a quick stop over to Toronto for the CN Tower (hello Canada!). Then, a nice comfortable flight over the pond to check out the Channel Tunnel, and finally ending up in the Netherlands to check out the North Sea Protection Wall.
Whew, I'm tired and burned out from all the travel, so I'm gonna head to Amsterdam, find myself a nice café, and eat some special brownies. Who wants to join me?
happy birthday happyrobot!