sunshine jen: T-shirts and Pictures
I'm still on the Star Wars convention cloud, but I promise that this will be the last post on the matter. Next week, I'll do some serious comedic rehab. I'll explore the lower depths of something--I just don't know what yet.
While at the convention I made a list of T-shirts I spotted. Here they are:
Star Wars Is Forever
Han Shot First
Thank You George (a little sentimental if you ask me)
Do Or Do Not There is No Try
Chicago White Sox
Star Wars
Jedi Training Academy
That Is Not the Jedi Way
Sith Happens
I Am Not A Geek
Vader Was Framed
Support the Troops (with Stormtroopers underneath)
Blue Harvest (that's really old school)
I went to Kessel and all I looted was this lousy shirt
I also made a list of T-shirts I wish I had seen:
Move Along
A Little Short for a Stormtrooper
Fly Casual
It's Me
Elected Queen
Same Sith, Different Day
Action Figure
Who's Your Daddy?
Bad Feeling
Free the Rancor!
Wookiee Love
Yes, I'm actually putting up pictures for the first time. Yeahhhhh!
I took pictures on the convention on a disposable camera and only four of them look decent enough to put up here. Thanks to Rich for the Flickr advice. I hope I did this right.
First, this is me on the line to buy tickets:

Two stormtroopers at the entrance. They were not very helpful.

Droids were allowed.

Finally, there was a huge card for everyone to sign. So happyrobot left its mark.

Force yourself! Now that could be a T-shirt.