past future

from Asia in Switzerland
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kiene angst: Flubbing country mouse protocol
Still in Blissfull B.C.

But I'm starting to realize the little differences between country mouse and city mouse protocol.

We went to see 'Far From Heaven' last thursday. The local theatre show "artsy" movies one night a week to give the local cuture hounds a break from 'Kangaroo Jack'. For those of you that haven't seen it, 'Heaven' is a spot on period piece and homage to Douglas Sirk and his excellent fifties melodramas. I was in rapture from the first moment. Not just because of the movie - just to be in a dark theatre and smell popcorn and hear the low murmer of the audience.

Until the low murmer focussed into one grating voice right behind me.

This woman seemed determined to deliver a running commentary throughout the entire bloody picture. She started fairly reasonably with, "thats just perfect" then, "my mother had a dress just like that," and, "how do they get their hair to stay in those perfect curls (sigh)".

Irritating, but I figured some people just need to voice these things. Its like enjoying something through your mouth. Sharing? I'm not sure. But I blame it on VCR's. They've taken the respect away from movie going and made it commonplace. Nobody can keep their mouth shut in a theatre anymore.

But then came, "No, you don't mean he's a - whatd'ya callit - fag type...," then, "that just wouldn't never have happened in the fifties!"

At which point I turned around and said, "Can you please not talk so much?" And stunned silence.

Everybody in every direction turned and stared - at me! I was the one who had dared to tell someone to shut-up. The local woman we had come with started to edge as far away from me as she could get in her seat. I had obviously broken some serious rule of the country. People just don't impose themselves on each other. And if the Lady needs to filter her thoughts through her mouth to enjoy things who am I to tell not to.


Am I cold and desensitized. Has the city mouse crushed out the country mouse's "good upbringing." Is it rude to tell someone to shut up even in a movie theatre?

I spent about twenty minutes slumped in my seat feeling cruel and mean. But the movie was so good it didn't last long.

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