more nude . . . oopse, i mean new karaoke pics


Klutch.xls: getting my thing on

Lately I have not been able to get my thing on. By lately I mean for the past 10 months or so. Some of the greatest events of my life have occured, some really annoying things have happened, and when it comes down to it I think my body is still trying to thaw out from that two week stretch of -10 degree weather we had, oh, months ago.

Problem # 1:

I let the stupid things bother me too much. Like, for instance, the place one has to go eight hours a day (no, I am not talking about the bathroom.)

Problem # 2:

The creative juices ain't flowing. I don't post here enough. I don't play my guitar enough. Like, for example, in a one year stretch HonkeyCracker and I wrote and recorded something like 40 (fourty) songs. Past 10 months? 1 (one).

Anyway, besides just being totally psyched that N8 and the Mr. and Mrs. Robot, and the mysterious -b were all visiting here in Boston over the weekend, I have also been inspired. I was starting to lose faith. But, man, let me tell you, these cats know how to "Bring it Hard!"

Robots Rock!

Alright, with a quickness, here's my:

Spring Cleaning Guide to Better Living

1. "You are not coming in this house wearing those filthy pants, young man! Stand right there while I get the laundry basket. I don't care how cold it is, those pants are going right into the wash!"

2. Fa fa fa fa fa, fa fa fa fa fa

3. The steroids are just making everyone cranky.

4. Testosterone Injections!

5. "Help Computer"

6. Spend less, consume less.

7. Wash cubby.

Most of the photos I took of the Boston Robot party are of the underside of the table at Kareoke. Everyone is wearing denim trousers so it is hard to figure out who's who. Perhaps I will post these pictures in some sort of collage at a time laster this week.

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