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medium pimping: I am the Secret Santa

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Have you heard of this institution?

Well here at the offices of The Man, we indulge in a little corporate condoned christian gift exchange. Succumbing to peer pressure, I too wrote my three most heartfelt wishes for under $20 on a slip of paper and threw it into a hat. Ever the Heeb representative, I remarked that my people (The ahem, Chosen People) do something similar, but place our 3 wishes into a large wall instead of a hat. And G-d actually picks them up, not a measly co-worker. That's just how we like to kick it Chosen People style.

So back at the hat.

My co-worker busted all the rules and instead of pulling the names out, we got "randomly" assigned our Santees. I'm not convinced about the randomness of this scheme at all. And now I am stuck. I am the secret santa of the head of our entire department. I am the secret santa of a man who just took his 16 year old on a shopping trip to Paris. I am the secret santa of a man who owns two houses. Cuz one is never enough.


I feel a lump of coal coming on.

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