Darden was the only boy I would have gone out with in college. Sure, I slept with Evan, but I only kissed Jason. (Actually don't remember sleeping with Evan, but the odds are pretty good, considering..). Ah Jason.
Jason saw me naked on a moonlit golfcourse in August of '93. The summer air plays tricks on the mind if supplemented with enough Sunny D and I was convinced that this was the Forest of Arden and I was Puck, Dammit! There was talk of nudity, but only talk, till I exploded from the shadows, running, package bouncing with every step and sliding headfirst into dewheavy grass. It took two seconds before reality interfered and all that grass revealed itself as both slimy and itchy, a terrible combination. My clothes were quickly back on, stalks of grass embedded in my leg hair for six or seven more hours, when I finally had the courage to shower.
Jason, I am sure, tells this better than me. I just thought: a birthday suit story for the birthday boy.