sunshine jen: How I Became a Dot Com
Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone is surviving the Polar Vortex.
I've been busy. My slacker self finally got around to finishing up my website. Yes. I am no longer just Sunshine Jen. I am now www.sunshinejen.com.
Fear not, happy roboters! I'm not leaving happy robot. This month is my ten year anniversary, so I'm celebrating.
Still, it had to happen at some point. I have the ebooks. I have the happy robot blog and the guest blogs. I had to find some way to put them all under one umbrella where one could learn all there is to know about the Sunshine Jen universe.
So I decided to create a website.
I sat down and started to think and plan. What would be on the website? What would it say? Do I need a website? How do I do that?
Fortunately, I know folks who have built websites. I have a friend who has just learned about texting, but she built her own site. I got inspired.
It takes a lot of time, Jen. She said.
Through another friend, I found out about Dreamhost because you need a giant computer for your website to live in. This might sound childlike, but I was dealing with new concepts that I was trying to keep as simple as possible.
Then I built it with Word Press. Through my blogging life, I have blogged with Word Press, so the Dashboard was not totally new to me. Still, I spent a lot of time pointing and clicking. What does this do? What does that do? I tried different themes. I inserted pictures, didn't like them, took them out.
I was glad that I wasn't working with a website builder. I would have driven that person mad. Do that, no I don't like that, do this, I need to edit the text again.
I'm still working on the site, but I am happy that I got all the pages finished and up. I still have a list of things I want to do, but it's getting there.
I will say that yes, websites take awhile to build. I would get frustrated, save my work, and walk away for the day. But slowly, it started to take shape.
If you're thinking of building your own site, I would say go for it. It's not impossible, and I've only had to contact tech support once.