sunshine jen: 888
Happy August 8, 2008 everyone! It’s a once in a lifetime kind of date. The next time you can line up the eights will be August 8, 2088. Anyway, I’ve decided to take the opportunity on this tri-eight date to give you all a few updates.
In my last posting, I talked about writing (or rewriting) the play during the CNN earthquake. Well, I finished the rewrite, and there is an earthquake in the second act. It’s kind of a non-event---not even the climax of the play---I’m deconstructing.
Next, I just want to say hello to all the happyroboters who linked up to me on facebook. You all have great pictures. So what do we do now that we’re all linked up on facebook? Do we just send each other virtual pokes? Good karma, anyone?
Speaking of pictures, I did buy a digital camera. It is a Nikon L18 8MP with 3x optical zoom. It’s blue. I carry the instruction booklet with me wherever I go. This is what it looks like. Dig the funky Nikon music.
The Dodgers have started winning---sometimes. Manny likes LA. LA likes Manny.
I’m taking a new improv comedy class, and that makes me happy. This is the third improv class I've taken. I think my improv is improving. Wednesday night, I got to play a box of macaroni and cheese sitting in a cabinet.
Finally,Daisy the cat passed away into catnip heaven on Wednesday. This week, she had been on the decline, and on Wednesday, she passed away peacefully. She lived a long, a very long, cat life. She will be missed by not only her people but by the makers of Fancy Feast.
Going up to Sideways country this weekend.