Sometimes we need better fences- fences that keep out not only goats but things like rats, big chameleons, and other (cannibal) snails. This fence (below) protects a nice patch of native forest and incorporates at least 4 lines of defense against potential invaders.

Other places are harder to get to and not so friendly to fence building so we employ other tools to manage predators. This (below) is the cutting edge of rat trap technology. These traps (from NewZealand) can humanely kill up to 24 rats before needing to be re-set- they use a compressed air cartridge to automatically re-set the metal bar that delivers a fatal blow less than half a second after the rat moves the hair trigger to sniff the bait. We don't have to worry about carcasses building up because there are a number of animals in the forests that will gladly drag away a fresh rat carcass. This includes other rats.