No new words
You may have noticed that there haven't been any new 'Words' today or yesterday. This is due to our hosting company screwing up our whole admin section. Hopefully by Monday people will be able to start posting new words, but until then you are just stuck with me.

Remember: Beulah Saturday night.

Version 10
Happyrobot v10 (or vX?) is due out soon. Some major changes on the backend, and hopefully some cool fun stuff on the front.
Also, it will be in all Spanish.
(That's a lie)
Maybe it could be launched in less than 2 weeks. We'll see.

Dammit Britany
Sure, I have ranted like a turd head about britaaney speers and her taste/lack of fashion. See, it's not a fluke.
It kind of looks like those guys are actually one guy with two heads. Now that would be cool.

Sammy Lee Roth
There was a discussion of the news that David Lee Roth and Sammy Hagar are touring together. I was never much of a Van Halen fan, although like most people my age, that 1984 album wasn't bad (you know, kinda hit us at that bad teen music time in our lives). Sammy Hagar, on the other hand, I don't get and have never liked - especially when he was with Van Halen.
Our friend and robot contributor Eric (from Boston) came up with some names for their tour:
Fat & Bald
I Can't Drive 55 Without Weave-ing
Hot For Tee-shirt Sales
(I Can't) Jump
Why Can't This Be Van Halen?

What's on the Winamp right now?
Stereo Total. They are wacky and fun with their cool collection of lo-fi sounds. I also downloaded some stuff from Kleenex Girl Wonder - oh boy, they are uber poppy. I like them, but I fear their poppiness.

Still hot in NYC. Supposed to cool off this weekend. But really hot. As I write this at 11:00am Thursday, it's 89 degrees (32 for you metric monkeys).
You know, I love the whole metric system. Centimeters rock the house I discovered way back in the day while taking a drafting course (the teacher would be saying, "make that about 4 inches and 16/45ths" and I would chime in "you mean 22 centimeters" (or whatever it would be) and he would be like, "yea, centimeters... damn kids".
But I cannot get the whole Celsius thing. First, there isn't the range like there is in goofy ol Fahrenheit. In Fahrenheit we can run from 0 degrees to 100 degrees, easily in the span of a year. 100 is hot as shit - 0 is cold as shit.
Celsius, well, it's like 0 to 30 something, right? Boring. I mean all us down in old-fashioned Fahrenheit towne have all these great selection of temperatures. 65 degrees - is there anything better? 72? That's pretty nice, too.
80? Kinda hot, but let's go swimming.
90? Um, shower shower shower.
Does this make any sense or am I just crazy from the heat?

The job 'interview' went well, although it's just for a short term project. It was so hot that my 2 block walk from the train to his office resulted me to be almost soaking wet when I arrived. No one noticed. It's a really cool project, too.

Also, about the heat...
I did notice the new spring fashions while I have been out in the past few days. Lots of bra-less girls with thin, see-through shirts on.
I thought it was just my imagination, but as I was waiting for my smoothie, I counted about 10 girls with this new look.
Well, not to be a pig, but I applaud this new look and encourage everyone to try it out. Even me.
That is all.

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Three Technological Advances I'd love to share with my teenage self
Seeing all these e scooters got me thinking
Mexico City
The time Chris and Stu drove to Milwaukee
What would be in a happyrobot cocktail?
What the world needs now is a think piece about the pandemic

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