Goddard Lab Testing, Inc. Cold Spring Harbor, NY xxx-xxx-xxxx xxx-xxx-xxxx (xxx)
Attached are test results for TRIUNO™ Multi-Phasic Personality Test profile #217-11-3822. A convenient key assists interpreting coding. Please refer to the TRIUNO manual, included with your original order, for elaboration.
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Goddard Laboratories, Inc., makes no claims regarding the hiring, firing, promotion, investigation, or legal action concerning profiles submitted for our analysis. ______
1) 91 2) 43 3) 7 4) 1 5) .232002 6) 6 7) 467 8) Works well with no supervision/smoker ___________________________ ********CODE********* Please consult the appropriate manual for full explanation. Each scale varies, but generally are accelerated - to +, and sliding using Slopes methodology.
1. Intelligence Field: (1-35) polypody, (36-79) below average, (80-91) average, (92-97) above average, (98-100) mysophiliac 2. Personality Field One: (10-20) malefic, (20-40) maker, (40-50) ponderous 3. Personality Field Two: (1-3) makeshift, (4-7) felicitous, (8-10) well-hung 4. Personality Field Three: (1) either (2) or 5. Personality Field Four: .0- confidant to .25-nebbish 6. Background Field One: (1)EC (2)WC (3)MW (4)S (5)SW (6) SE (7)Terr. (8)Foreign 7. Background Field Two: (1-1000) edu/culture/class/preferences 8. Summary Statement (medical flags would be listed here)