After I heard the reporter's screams on the radio and began myself to make noises I'd never heard before, then stood aghast on Henry Street and witnessed the North tower collapse with thousands of horrified others, and calling my family, and my wife, and telling her I was coming to get her, and then doing so, walking North, among the multitudes I passed dozens of parents who'd picked up their small children from school.
A woman had her little boy gripped firmly by the hand, pulling him forward. She was crying. He said "You're hurting me." She said, "I'm sorry," still crying, and he noticed she was crying. Then he asked what was happening. She told him we were attacked. Then he asked "Who did this?" "Terrorists," she said. Not sure if he heard right, he said "Tourists?"
I wanted to take them both in my arms and lift them up and tell them I loved them.