Although my family and I walked past Wynona Ryder and boyfriend last night on Second Avenue, and she paid us no attention whatsoever, when all of Gramercy Park was ooohing and ahhing and stopping Mrs. FTR and I on the sidewalk, as I was carrying our handsome son high on my shoulder, shouting gleefully, and waving at everyone as if we were in a parade; and the other week, I'm almost certain I passed Gwyneth Paltrow taking a casual stroll, as I, of course, followed her for several blocks making unintentionally loud and odd sounds with my nostrils. And a few days ago I sat near resident kool man and auteur Jim Jarmusch and his posse at a Luc Sante reading (but who hasn't, right?). No, that's not why I'm writing here today. I'd like to report I walked past the girl who played the girlfriend in Orange County, which it turns out is Sissy Spacek's girlchild, plus she bears a resemblance to our own Kristen Martin.
Yes, I walked past Schuyler Fisk.

And by "minor," all I mean is not very famous. No offense Schuyler, you're the tops.