A parade of bagpipers just passed my window--probably the New York City Police or Firefighters--they make some badass bagpiping; and have parades, weddings and funerals aplenty to keep in practice.
Is it called bagpipe music? It's always sounded to me more like a tribute to the music of this world from, well, the next one. Or maybe an earlier one. An ancient sound--like a giant bit into the innards of a mountain and as he chewed the steam and lava and rocks syncopated in such a way to make him hum along.
Does someone just wake up one day and decide to be a bagpiper? Or is it something a person is born into, like with morticians. (I wonder if any morticians are also bagpipers?)
I think maybe I just decided to be a bagpiper, although I woke over 6 hours ago.
Anybody have an extra set of bagpipes? Is that right? Should I, instead, say extra bag of pipes?