Evan likes to move around: crawling, walking, or being carried.
Evan likes to drink champagne and will only buy one type: Jacques Dry. He makes all decisions about buying and drinking champagne by the week.
Miss Evan likes to give kisses! Miss Evan is looking pretty! "Miss Evan likes hanging out with her friend Jack!"
Evan likes to give off the impression that he's just muscle, he is smarter and more calculating than he lets ...
In his work Evan likes to incorporate "non-finished" sections of each piece along with the careful renderings of light and dark.
You tell me you want to know what Evan likes to eat. . . . I've taught him to eat everything, but he does dearly love baked potatoes.
Evan likes to take pictures, too. (He took this one.) There was a double rainbow all around Mount Princeton, that morning.
Evan likes to write songs in keys that he can't sing in.
Evan likes to think of himself as a hopeless romantic, lush, and tortured genius, but we're pretty sure only the second one is true.
Evan likes to eat green beans, so Kelly and I bought him a few cans for Christmas.