Oh I can't wait to put the horror of writing my previous two entries behind me. Truly, it is honestly a HORRor for me to be so "real" and yet by definition incomplete in delivering my thoughts to "the mond". Or monde? My VERY favorite Tori amos song "Playboy Mommmy" is on. I LOVE this whole song's delivery almost as well as I love #4 on the new album (i think it's number 4).
Anyway, it's early evening, and I'm sort of scared. I've orgainized a little 'exclusive' party for myself. I arranged it from the bath tub (Mark got me a massage and expensive bath oils!!! and he got me the best gift in the world! the other 364.) I hope I can try my latest notion: being real and giving a speech. I figure if I'm going to be a teacher, it would be nice to test being real on an audience so I can feel more or less comfortable, but learn.