i love to read about new stuff and finding out about things that are good and worth your hard-earned money, so i present to you recent stuff i love:
--ella was sick again this past week with a steady fever and a runny nose. in efforts to combat catching this cold, craig and i took airborne. airborne is this alka-seltzer-like tablet that you dissolve in water and drink back like a shot (i do a shot because i don't really care for the lemon-lime taste, although they also have citrus and grapefruit) and, voila, you you're not supposed to get sick - and we haven't gotten sick. knock on wood. the directions say to repeat every three hours, which seems like too much vitamin and herbal goodness to me, so craig and i just drank one tablet each day. while it's not a cheap solution (at least by my standards) - at walgreen's it is 10 tablets for $7.99 - it's totally worth it if you can actually stay healthy.
--i'm a closet patchouli fan - not the heavy, musky patchouli oil scent but the one found in kiss my face peaceful patchouli shower gel. i love kiss my face products and this scent is so warm and comfy and light - i just love it. i first used it when i was in cape cod this past summer - the house my sis-in-law rented had an outdoor shower and she was thoughtful and stocked it with yummy body washes, including this one. so, if possible, when it warms up, shower outside with this stuff. whole foods often has the kiss my face products on sale and that's the time to stock up.
--the best cupcakes ever. i usually try a different frosting everytime since i'm still searching for the holy grail of frostings. for my bro's super bowl par-tay tomorrow, i'm trying this chocolate frosting. i swear you could eat these cupcakes like popcorn (provided you made them tiny enough and remembered to take the paper wrappers off).
--i'm a loser that likes to drink riesling all year around and one of my favs is dr. l riesling (which i am sure i've mentioned before). i can't deny myself the sweet delish-ness. if you're lucky, like me, you'll do some meager editing for your friend and he'll pretend it's good work and get you a gift certificate to a wine shop. then (if you're lucky) you'll call the shop and say "how much dr. l you gots?" and they'll say "we have one whole case, madam" and then you'll say (because you're lucky) "i'll take it. and put it on my player's club card along with your finest food stuffed with the second finest food" at which point the shopkeeper will say "i can get you the wine, but you'll have to get lobster stuffed with tacos elsewhere". cheers!
--i don't care for hot oatmeal, and it's mostly a texture thing - i also don't like grits or rice pudding or tapioca pudding or anything like that. but i've been eating quaker oat oatmeal-to-go bars like they're going out of style. they're loaded with sugar but i figure the 5 grams of fiber balances the sugar content out. they're great in the microwave along with a glass of milk. my fav is the brown sugar one. i've been searching for the baked apple flavor without any luck. the raspberry and the banana bread ones are okay - a little too fake tasting for me. they're usually around $3.60 for a box of six but i've gotten them on sale for $2.99. cha-ching! (bonus info: in the FAQ section of the quaker oats web site, they have recipes for oatmeal facials. also, discover the answer to the question: Can you send me some of your oat tubes?)