Nutshell Kingdom: sink continued with turtles and without ellipses (for Stu)
...y'know, the thing I miss most about living in the country... I lived in a little house in Saxapahaw, NC for two years and driving along and you would see these turtles in the roads all summer, little box turtles sunning, softback river turtles scuttling along, frozen by traffic, their rubber necks stretching out. I would always stop the car and get out and grab these turtles, sometimes chase them down, sometimes they pee on you!, and I would pick them up and move them as well off the road as I could, over in the tall grass, maybe in the woods if the ditch were not too wide to jump over. It made me feel good about myself, a discrete kindness between the turtles and myself and the reckless rural traffic and the beating summer sun and the occasional watermelon patch.
So, that I'm feeling a little sunk, or sinking, I think I need a turtle to save or some helpless thing to come to me and need my strength and purpose to ensure its very survival through the dangerous months of summer. I think that's it.