I just realized I'm living in 1996 still...
I'm the person that only tips a dollar a beer... yet the cost has gone up
the moon is a sickle cell and full. let's go see it later.
first. let's talk about the murder. It's going to have to be something to be dealt with from the Florida shores. Nonsense exudes from her lips as she types.
am I begging you to love me when I don't feel I'm worthy of love?
won't that be a recipe for imposter?
And then what.
Let's admit someone was murdered.
in a nutshell, nonsense emits from whatever orifice she chooses to forthwith.
without a doubt, the music importation wasn't as seamless as she had hoped but it was SO MUCH BETTER than the zero she was expecting from #2 that she would drift out of
second and first person for ever
the song that she recognizes now is "I pulled into Nazareth was feeling about half past ten. I just needed some place where I could lay my head. I said hey mister can you find a place for ...and you put the load right on me..."