tim!: People Seeing Other People Naked, or, Laying Tongues on Bodies, Depending on the Situation.
Varied people of the world who have seen me naked at various stages of my development; their age; my age; their occupation; and a personal detail of the relation. Also included in the list are people who caused me sexual excitement and/or gratification by means of them placing their lips and tongue somewhere on my person (denoted with a dual asterisk so you won't think Uncle X touched me inappropriately.)
Mother; 31-36; 0-5; Nurse; likes to garden.
Father; 35-41; 0-5; Industrial Safety Inspector/Union Mediator or Arbitrator (never could differentiate)/City Personnel Manager; always enjoyed putting butter on sandwiches in lieu of mayonnaise or mustard.
Other flavors of family members for diaper changes and random house-streaking on my part; varied; varied; multiple; Uncle A. is a short person but his handshake is quite powerful. When you shake his hand, you'll need to consciously grip very quickly or his little meat paw will end up grasping your fingers and not your palm, and there's just no way of recuperating from that.
** Girl who's brother was my friend in Grade School who made out with me on the couch while he jumped excitedly about the room, most likely because I was making out with his sister on the couch; 12; 10 (oh baby); student; while I cannot remember the face of this girl, I do recall feeling very excited to be kissing her on the couch, even though her brother was jumping monkey-like about the room.
** Melissa Something, High School; 16; 18; student; played tennis for the girls' tennis team, which after our back-of-car make out scene was complete, did not help my raging teen erection any at all, due for the most part to the way the tennis skirt portion of the tennis outfit covered just enough of her leg(s) to make it unbearable to imagine what lay under said tennis skirt, including more of same leg(s).
** Melissa S., college girlfriend; 21-22; 21-22; student; quirky girl, did not care for tomatoes.
** Jenna R., college classmate who I hooked up with on several occasions, both before and after it was clear that she still had a BF, and that she had informed the BF of the presence of my own personal tongue on her salty flesh and vice versa out of some weird guilt thing, and camaro driving BF arrived at house to inform me of the current stauts of his and her tongue interactions, but then later that month allowed me passage (she allowed) to her netherest of regions; 20; 22; student; let us set aside her genetic talent for fellatio, would not be able to control desire to dance on tables if The Doors (any) was playing.
** Margaret D. B., fellow Texas intern also laden with a BF, hailing from Pee Dee, SC, never actually set tongue on her body due to similar guilt topics (see above), but engaged in "other stuff"; 20; 21; student; saw her in Atlanta once, years later, avoided approaching her due to the way we left things in Texas. Large Island friend admonished of the regret that would ensue if I did not go and say hello, 30 seconds later she and entourage were lost in the crowd like some Kaiser Soze disappearing act. He was right, this I regret.
** M.E., girlfriend and co-conspirator in a highly confusing and sexually charged atmosphere of friendship and attraction and the like, the one person I have been most physically attracted to and least compatible with simultaneously, leading to the aforementioned confusion and other antics which shall be brushed aside here for several reasons, none of which needs further embellishment; 26-28; 27-29; graphic designer, artist; intoxicating scent in a feminine non-perfumed way, part detergent, part girl sweat, on the level of how you would imagine any of several Hollywood sirens would smell given the opportunity to bury your non-Hollywood nose into napes of necks and curls of brown, red and yellow. The mind reels.
All of those people at that party where I decided to remove 100% of my clothing in an effort to outdo my predecessor on a backyard runway of Prom Fashion, which predecessor decided to strip to the boxer level, I took the extra step; 12-40 something; 31; multiple; the twelve year old, nephew of host and hostess, inadvertently came downstairs from watching some Disney movie only to see nude me and clothed woman next to me parading before a crowd of cheering and quite surprised party-goers. Thank god his 8 year old sister remained upstairs.