she remembered going into that bagel shop that was around the corner . she couldn't recall what her bagel order was at the time but something like scrambled egg on lightly toasted wheat bagel with a ketchup packet. the last time they had dined there - she and him - the divorcing/ed couple pumping up the easy camaraderie one more time. it makes her cry to write it from the future.
"why are you crying"
"I don't know it now, but this will be the last time I will ever see you."
She goes to the place one more time after that.
Of course it feels too empty.
She had looked up in chat gpt - damn the resources the search cost "what does 'all the feels mean'..." Embedded within its answer was "evocative of strong emotion". she would take it. She kept trying to pull the ring off to see if her fingers were finally unswollen enough, yet it continued to be stuck on her engagement finger.
What of it. she was engaged.
she had focus.