she had lost an entry. it didn't happen super often, yet...
she had given herself permission to have a sick day.
she began by putting on wilco's "at least that's what you said".
her rotted heart ached for much of the past yet as she had milked that ghost ad nauseam, now she was ghosted.
it was a fascinating experience. just fascinating. in the past, she would have blown it up, and now she had zero confidence to even imagine luring some hippie.
she loved the heck when it all kicked in for "at least that's what you said"
maybe today could just be a virtual sick day but she did stuff like yesterday. she was a wrecked hull. it was fun to recall being awesome and odd to live in the emptiness as it was all so dependent on the shell eh.
her guitar wasn't even properly tuned.
It was 7:10AM ET on a Wednesday, and she was hella lost.
dancing to "I will follow" with red wine.
"when I was three I thought the world revolved around me, I was wrong and so I sing sing this song and will you slam dance dance with me. I think I know what you want...."
she had worshipped U2 enough that she had read a book called "the unforgettable fire" at 14 and remembered it more than she remembered some relationships.
on y vas