I updated my Flickr page for the first time in six months or more. I added 100 photos, tried to be a little more selective than in the past, and for the first time wrote captions and titles. (So at least I made Rich happy there.) I've more photos scattered across a few computers, so I've given up on putting them in order. I'll add more soon enough. Anyway, they are for you.
This electronic conveyance--the glass we press our hands against--lately, I dislike it more often than not, have been considering a crank shortwave radio and a shack in the woods. But it (this) is a way to share something of yourself without actually slipping a note under someone's door, or throwing a rock through a window, or calling someone late at night after your third drink, or whatever it was we used to do--as I've forgotten.
There are so many people in the world and I know precious few of them.