Aww, it's J&K's firstborn's bday today. I loved that kid. I loved her parents. I guess I still do. oh I forgot I'm trying to do it this way:
She could so easily get pulled into the nostalgia and the brigadoon of her beloved Wilmington. It was seemingly dormant to her for a while though. The last trip had been like a bad trip on shrooms - the uptick with all the emotions and fears. She had never had a bad time there before, and it kind of scared the shit out of her for months traumatically. That was what the sugar cookie binges were and that cheesecake chocolate calzone.- pure therapy.
Even though she loved Billy Bragg's "Valentines Day Is Over", and she had taken to her bed with a cheesy ass romance book. She went to sleep when she finished it. Even though her beloved Wilmington had so many friends surrounding her and to call upon, she was alone a great deal. Her husband worked a lot. She began to get used to it, and she would often go places alone. She was the type of introvert to need sporadic bursts of life intense. And Valentine's Day was one of her favorite holidays. She was confident that night. For like five years of her life she was confident, it was a supplemental policy that she leveraged from her husband - she - through him being her husband and choosing her - became confident.
So there she was dressed in head to toe thrift store red embarking on a trip to Plan B to see the Woggles on Valentine's Day. She was alone, but the town was so small she was 100% sure to run into someone she knew. She probably even was acquainted with someone who worked there. This makes her cry to think of how far away from that she is now. She was the kind of wounded human who moved all the time who was one to only trust boyfriends and she would acquire friends through their rich networks. She had usually chosen kind of the leader of the social group to be her mate. So, she danced that night. She drank. She made merry. For her, that's all that was wanted.
Now for a walk. That was a hard memory to juxtapose against current...
Carpe diem she guessed.
What else.