I do shit with rejection of any kind. It's so much preferable to be the one who gets to reject.
and she doesn't know if she'll be able to delve into second or third person today. she was too much of a blinded mess. welcome to the world of trying again. it had smarted, and she couldn't take it personally as there had been no meeting of her person - ah but the flirting. She had missed the fuck out of a good flirt. This potential had a great mind, and she had enjoyed it very much.
It was so much easier to expose her rejection and pain than her timorous hope. She had been silent for the five days that she against all oddity chose to believe ... well basically she was an over 50-year-old woman living "Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me".
Maybe she was looking forward to work tomorrow as a distraction and a pattern. The woods around her sanctuary had this mournful screaming hoot.She was eager to experience the birth of seasons for the first time in a long long time.
It had been good practice. It had been a nice trial run. She had been surprised the whole thirteen days they had interacted. It had made it different and interesting to wake up every morning, and she was so very distracted by the tremulous wait for the next text.
And she didn't constantly bemoan her past as much... because of course it was a fantasy of a future. And she could always and certainly understand someone rejecting her - shit - she was pretty much a charity case loser at the moment. It had been great to think of just taking time away from worrying about the usual stuff and ...
and it sucks. and I"m a young crone who can sit and hone.
"What you think you are is what you act like and what you act like is what you are."