Teen News: Why I Love Local News This morning on our wonderfully cheesy local news channel (New York 1) a reporter who used to be a heavy metal DJ was doing a remote segment in a neighborhood that's become overrun with parrots. This in itself was amusing as hell, but then he wraps up with, "You don't have to be a pirate to enjoy the parrots", followed by an explanation of his little wisecrack to the main anchor at the news desk. "You know how in those old movies the pirates always have a parrot on their shoulder...", which he then mimicks, saying "Polly wanna cracker!" in classic parrot voice.
The anchor at the news desk responds, "I totally got it", and goes on to his next story, which happened to be the latest London transit mayhem. They switched to dramatic live security camera shots of London streets, showing us firsthand the British masses walking around and cars going up and down the roads.