poop beetle: new home, new lawn mower 6.2003 My sister Amy gave me a lawn mower. She'd thought it was dead, bought a new one and than for the heck of it, took the old one completely apart and than put it back together again and found it worked just fine. This occurred 90 days after she'd bought the first one, so she had an extra.
It does work fine- as fine as any other push mower. It takes a few yanks to get it going. I think it's the 4th, but sometimes the 5th. It's more than you'd think it should be, enough to make you think it's never going to happen and that extra "umf" required is going to dislocate something. At the end of the third, I feel beat, weak, I get images of all the things that could rip/ or pop. Some horrible snapping sound- something with cartilage or the synovial joint. Sy-no-vial joint/ synovial fluid/ synovial . . . cleft?
Strange that the first 3 attempts make me aware of being physically not strong- a weakling, tired, pasty, beat - more water, more excersise, a membership to a gym (as if)- than the 4th (or 5th or 6th) and it's alive and I think, damn, I've got it, don't I? Strong, capable, confidant, nothing to worry about- got it all covered.
Probably not a "snap", something more crunchy or creaky or "watery" I think definitely a "pop" but not that clean- I'd confuse it for a second with the snap of the lawn mower cord flicking back. No doubt the lawn mower would roar to life. The noise and the vibrations and the surge of victory would further add to the confusion as I tried to figure out why my right arm was flapping uselessly at my side.
Everything's good. I've got a new home and a new yard. In the yard is a sandbox and a wading pool. I've got a new 7.2 volt handy vac I could lift a cinder block with. And a dial up connection. So hello. Hello, hello, hello and also, hey.