This morning I was riding my bike around the park and being passed willy-nilly by a constant stream of folks on electric scooters and electric bikes of all various flavors.

A realization was had.

Gather Around Children
For the kids, there was this guy (Dean Kamen) in 2002 who had built this 'personal vehicle' of some sort that was being kept under wraps and was super top secret. Few people had actually seen it, but those who had were very excited about the prospect of this new personal vehicle. Like real excited.
The press for it was crazy. No one knew what it was but the buzz was that it revolutionary.

Flying skateboards?
Rocket cars?
Hover pants?

No one knew.

It was finally revealed and it was that SEGWAY thing. That stand-up scooter thing that GOB from Arrested Development rode or packs of tourists use in various cities.

The SEGWAY became a joke and people were like, "remember when that guy said it would change cities and the world..!"

Maybe it did
Now, no one is riding around on SEGWAYS - at least not here in Brooklyn. But, everyone is riding around on crazy one-wheel scooter things or e-scooters or e-bikes or e-hoverpants.

Yes, the SEGWAY flopped. But, the idea of small electric powered transportation devices for cities - for better or worse - has flourished.

My point: maybe the SEGWAY guy was right and he did predict the future. The SEGWAY was maybe born too early, but it's offspring are doing well.

Look Out!
Then I saw a squirrel and he almost ran under my bike wheel.
Stupid nut monster!

In Bike News
I'm looking at that Empire Trail thing from Albany to NYC.

Have you seen this Madness?
Amazing on a few levels.

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mexico city three technological advances i‘d love to share with my teenage self

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Three Technological Advances I'd love to share with my teenage self
Seeing all these e scooters got me thinking
Mexico City
The time Chris and Stu drove to Milwaukee
What would be in a happyrobot cocktail?
What the world needs now is a think piece about the pandemic

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