Pony: The Sunshine Girl
When the streetcar finally arrived, I hopped over the three-foot-tall snowbank and squeezed on through the back doors.
Two hosers were sitting a couple of seats down from the door.
One was wearing a tuque high on his head and this babyish, puffy face while the other had a thinning mullet and a soggy moustache that he smoothed seductively as he looked me over.
"It smells perfume-y here -- like pretty ladies. Pretty good, is what I say."
"Nice!" I said with as much sarcasm as I could muster to the woman in the peach parka beside me.
"Hey, you know what? I was at the library yesterday looking throught the newspaper archives," the guy continued to his blank-faced friend.
monsieur mullet: "Yeah, I was looking up Cheryl. Apparently she was a Sunshine Girl in 1984?"
Baby-face: "Cheryl as in Bob's Cheryl? She was a Sunshine Girl?"
MM: "Yeah, in 1984, or something."
BF: "Are you sure it wasn't 1884?"
You know that guy? He is SO your boyfriend.