I think I got a yoga injury. And I was doing the slow kind of yoga, too. But after a winter of muscle-atrophy, I think that I shocked my body with all that crazy stretching (I even did a bridge/backbend that left me with pains unnervingly similar to bruised ribs). I grow old.
I am not too old for the rock music, though. Or alt. country for the label-lovers. At any rate, I went to see Neko Case last night with Matt, Emily, Chris, Rich and Elana. Lots of people were there.You know: the Toronto people. The people you know.
The first few notes of her vocals gave me actual goosebumps. The power and drama in her voice! And the Sadies, like twin tall, skinny-ass trees on either side of the stage...it was gorgeous.
Unfortunately, the performance was a bit like sitting in on a recording session. They were recording a live concert album, so she kept stopping and starting songs when she sensed a mistake. I was expecting more of the Neko persona, I guess. She is an awesome storyteller with her music, and I was expecting to be swept away by a more fluid performance. No regrets though. I am going to go see her at the Matador again this weekend.
Yesterday it was a crazy cleanup in Little Italy as Chris and I did a passover super-clean at our place. We got out the environmentally unfriendly sprays and such and wiped away a winter of beads, hairs, and carrot peelings.
Happy Passover. Or Pesach, or as the French hilariously call it: "Paques Juif". We are a bit short on family this year, but you don't have to be Jewish to come to our Seder. My mom is concocting a fabulous meal as I write this and some of our favourite gentle gentiles get to celebrate the holiday of emancipation and constipation.
Oh yeah, and I got a promotion, kinda. They want me to stick around at work. Which feels really good. you know?