First of all: Flying
Holy cow. I like sitting on airplanes.
Or, technically, sitting IN airplanes.
According to the fun website, in the year 2013 I logged:
108 segments
124,841 miles
13 days 21:29
This is more than 2012, which was:
81 segments
64,686 miles
8 days 5:35
That is crazy. I just finished the book Cockpit Confidential, which was fun if you fly or like flying or just like pilots. I mention that because after a zillion miles, I think I’m becoming slowly not so freaked out by turbulence as I used to be. Not sure if it’s just because I fly a lot or because of the book which covers turbulence and why you shouldn’t be a scaredy cat. Or maybe I’m drinking more on planes.
Ha. No. That’s not it.
This year was pretty fun travel wise. Mrs. Robot and I went to Hawaii and then France together. I went to New Zealand and Australia.
Let’s look at the highlights! In photo form!
For my birthday, Mrs. Robot took me to Soto for dinner. Incredible.
Dinner at Lao Dong Bei in Flushing.
Insanely awesome. Unlike anything I've had. Why don't we go there more often?