The Pope is turned on by children
I am listening to the press conference from Rome with the Cardinals from the American Catholic Church. One of the fellows is talking about how the Pope is all concerned that children were hurt, and that is his main concern, etc. The idiot American Cardinal guy says this:
"The Pope is turned on to children"
And then goes onto say that children love him, etc, blah blah blah.

But he said, "Turned on". Good job, jackass.

About the weather
Monday I was walking to the store and it was so pretty. The whole day had been rainy and gray, but the soon finally peeked out in the afternoon. The sky was still this very dark gray and ominous looking, but the sun was shining, and the trees were blooming, and the sidewalks and street were still wet and shiny. So pretty.
Everywhere you looked was a great photo (ironically, I didn't take a picture).

Here comes Tim
Our pal and robot contributor Tim (of "TIM!" fame) is coming to visit this weekend. If you want to see Tim for yourself, let us know, and we can schedule a viewing.

Beulah rockers
We saw Beulah Saturday night at the Bowery Ballroom, and what a fine show it was. The last time we saw them was the weekend after that damn 9/11 thing, which in hindsight was perfect timing. They rock and they have the love, so that show was really good.
This show was awesome as well. They like NYC so much that every time they play here they play a cover from a NYC band. The last show was Psycho Killer, this time was a Blondie song (right?).
Apart from no 'flute girl' on one of the songs, it was a fine night of the rock and the roll.
(Hey, here is a great review of their last show, with mention of 'flute girl')

Now Hiring
Do you like stuff? Do you like movies or books or music? Do you like to write about them? Do you not require to be paid except for maybe an occasional gift from Amazon?
Well, come work for happyrobot. We are looking for contributors for our different media review sections: Two Sentence Movie Review, Token Book Review, and Haiku Record Review.
The glory and fame can be all yours!
Write us!
(or Write 'for' us!)

You wanna make a robot head? Now you can.

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The time Chris and Stu drove to Milwaukee
What would be in a happyrobot cocktail?
What the world needs now is a think piece about the pandemic
Music of Teens: K Tel's The Beat
The New Apartment: Brooklyn Bedding #BestMattressEver
The New Apartment: Things Bought IKEA PS 2014 Secretary Desk

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