Washing old school style
I was riding my silver bike around Prospect Park. I guess I need a name for my bike. It's cute, in a 'gear' kind of way.
Jeff calls anything sporty 'gear'. He doesn't like 'gear'.
"damn, those shoes are gear"
He's a beatles fan.
He has this red, flamboyant schwinn bike that is a bit big and the most un-gear bike. When we finally go riding one day, he will be like, "dude, that bike is so gear".
In a way, I don't like 'gear' either, but many times gear shoes for instance are a good thing. Especially if they are gore-tex'd nike running shoes.

So, here I was riding my bike. The Silver Sloop. The Silver Cracker. The Silver Jack-ass. Speedy McSilver.
Yup, that is my bike's name: Speedy McSilver.
Watching my brain work is fun I bet.

So, here I was riding my bike, Speedy McSilver. Zooming by the lake there, and I see this homeless looking woman doing old school clothing cleaning in the lake. With rocks and soap and scrubbing away. I can't imagine that the water in the lake is good for washing. I am not sure what I could of done, except for taking her clothes to the Splishy-Splashy (our laundry place).
I guess I could of done that.
But I can't do that for everyone.
And Speedy McSilver doesn't have a rack to put the clothes on.

So, last night we are at SuperFine, and enjoying ourselves with all the folks. There are these people sitting out front who we realize must be really drunk when all of a sudden this woman at one of the tables stands up and slams a bottle or glass onto the table and starts yelling at this guy sitting with her.
The glass breaks quite loudly and beer pours over the table onto the ground, and this poor pug dog who was sitting there peacefully is now avoiding the sheets of beer and broken glass falling onto him.
The woman starts yelling at this guy.
"Stop it! you are oppressing me!! Whenever you drink, you always start oppressing me! You are just like my father!"

My point is this:
1. How the hell was this guy oppressing her?
2. Oppressing? WTF?
3. F*cking Drunks
4. The poor dog needed to be rescued, and his idiot owner who was a bystander was just standing there was his dog was worriedly walking around in beer and glass. f*cker.

I mean, sure, I got a little tipsy last night. But, i don't turn into some sort violent f*ck yelling about being oppressed when i am really just a drunk, high-drama, white-ass idiot.

Otherwise, we all had a fine, but late night sunday.

Stupid DSL + Updates
my home connection is still screwy, which stinks because i have all sorts of new updates for the site:

1. comments option for all the writers.
2. updated staff page
3. new writer (awesome new writer, actually)
4. new edgedweller
5. pac-man
6. the spain blog
7. updated palm version

In Spain
Remember, in Spain, we drink to get happy, not to get drunk.
Things matt should know how to say in spainish:

1. is your husband here?
2. if pat calls, i am not here.
3. First rule of olsen twin fan club: you don't talk about Olsen Twin Fanclub
4. Eric Willhelm likes girls
5. heavy on the vodka
6. pony

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The New Apartment: Things Bought IKEA PS 2014 Secretary Desk

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