Number of twenty-somethings seen on the subway reading the new Harry Potter book in the last 12 hours: 3

Ratio of chapters read of the guy in front of me compared to the woman to my left: 27:19

Amount of vermouth to whiskey in my Manhattans: 2:3

Number of dead ringers for Bernie Mac seen this morning: 1

Number of large cakes shaped like the Williamsburg bridge seen: 1

Number of times I felt ill and suddenly left a bar: 1

Approximate days passed before cat scratched new couch for the first time: 80

Number of cameras bought this past weekend: 2

Percentage of drinks from this weekend that were alcoholic: 46%

Number of alcoholic drinks that had the word "zombie" in them: 1

Percentage of drinks from this weekend that were coffee: 13%

Percentage of coffee drinks that were French vanilla and half decaf, with half & half: 100%

Hours of sunshine seen this weekend: 2.5

Ratio of money spent last weekend to money spent this weekend: 1:33

Number of food items eaten by Matt at street fair compared to me: 2:0

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