Bass. Steel. This past weekend was all French and shit. But, first: Camera.
My biological camera clock Apparently, Mrs. Robot told a co-worker pal of mine that she doesn't say anything about the cameras I buy and I don't say anything about her collection of shoes or fancy makeup or ponies.
Pesky Jeff and his toys Our good pal Jeff (Jerff. Jeh-Ear-Earre-Effe! Juearf!) and his lovely wife had a rooftop viewing of the fireworks back on America Day. He was toting his new Canon D-something or another SLR super camera. Tragically, he let me play with it.
I adored it. I broke down. So, I bought a new camera. A digital SLR. Single lens reflex See Larry robot Something looks rusty
Nikon D70. Bought it "like new" from the very lovely folks at KEH Cameras down there in the ATL.
The fun thing about digital cameras is that you can update their software. The new version of this camera is the D70s which has some minor changes to the electronic brain and cleaned up menus and do-dads like that. I downloaded the update for my D70 and then.. like magic, I had a D70s (sans slightly (.2 inches) larger screen on the back). Awesome.
Love the camera. Have been playing with the RAW settings and getting my learn-on with how that works. (I use RawShooter Essentials - it's free!)
Bass. Steel. This past weekend was all French and shit. Friday was the petanque tournament down the street from our office. It featured sun, heat, and copious amounts of champagne. Since I had just gotten my camera, I shot lots of pics that got a bit looser and sloppier as the day went on.
Sunday was the much better Bastille Day celebration in our little Brooklyn hood. The petanque 'courts' were much bigger and better laid out, Bar Tabac had that fine little band that always plays there (but this time decked out uber-cool-style). Beer. Wine. Pastis. Sangria. French people. Sand. Oh, and heat (although Sunday was a classic "dry heat" which made it bearable).
I went out with my new camera and slapped my lensbabies lens on. It was all good.
7am Sunday Our newspaper delivery person has this great habit of ringing our bell when they deliver the paper on the weekends. So, every Saturday and Sunday I am woken up by the buzzer. Usually, I just go back to sleep, but this past Sunday I was wide awake and it was awfully pretty outside. And I had a new camera. I spent about an hour on Sunday morning wandering around shooting photos of things. It was fun. Sunday mornings are so peaceful and quiet. It was nice.