Pony: I used to believe I'd stop procrastinating one day
I used to believe I would learn to stop procrastinating. This post was for yesterday.
I used to believe that all nerds were nice. Then I met the message boards/newsgroups.
I used to believe that I was responsible for other people's bad moods.
I used to believe that I'd never be able to get pregnant.
I used to believe I wanted 2 kids.
I used to believe I wanted to be famous.
I used to believe I was the romantic type.
I used to believe that I wanted to work in advertising.
I used to believe you didn't need to work hard for things.
I used to believe that work was supposed to be unpleasant.
I used to believe that I would go crazy, and it was just a matter of time and circumstance to set off the powder keg of unreason.
I used to believe that everything was haunted.
I used to believe that religious people were better people.
I used to believe I would never figure out how to use a computer.
I used to believe I would never leave Vancouver.
I used to believe that I had a special kinship with animals.
I used to believe I'd never like dance music.
I used to believe more people shared my sense of humour.
I used to believe that the best way to approach the world was open and vulnerable.
I used to believe that there was no such thing as monsters.
I used to belive the capacity for state-condoned organized violence against people was limited to certain nations or cultures, rather than just part of the human condition.
I used to believe I couldn't change anything. But I also believed I could change everything. It's complicated.