Gabe meet Bon Bon
Pony was in towne this past weekend with little Gabe and normal-sized husband. Naturally we all went to lunch at Bon Bon Chicken. Gabe, for some odd reason, didn't want any super spicy Korean fried chicken, but went with milk and some sort of cracker.
Honestly, an odd choice, but he's a baby and they do things their own way.
As far as babies go, he seems pretty nice.

This past week we have been devouring the DVR'd re-runs of "Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares" with that Gordon Ramsay chap. It's on BBC-America.
If you don't mind the constant stream of bleeped profanity it is lovely, often cringe-inducing, fun.
Dinner w/ Mr. & Mrs. John Ball
Last Thursday, we had a fairly late dinner with the John Balls (after a fun little NextBook party) and went to Allen & Delancey.
Golly. That is one pretty dining room (look at the photos!). Go there if you get the chance.
(oh, and food was tasty)
Oxygen is trying to kill us! It's true!
Five years
Last week I celebrated my five anniversary world at Global Cubicle Towne.
Five years.
I've survived a million re-orgs and my title has changed from obnoxious "webmaster" to vague "project analyst" to completely stupid "Analyst Web Project" to hilarious "Director of all things complicated"
The last one was suggested by the current CEO.
Note: My current title is now "Dr. Tubes."
For my fifth anniversary I get some sort of gift certificate. I wonder where it will be from.
Forever 21?
Holiday Angst
I understand what Pony is going through. You don't know holiday angst until you spend Christmas with my in-laws. Some are Methodists and some are Baptists!
Good lord.
The fights over the types of casserole are monumental.
Holiday Shopping
There are stores in my neighborhood that I imagine would not exist if it wasn't for the holiday shopping season. That's odd.
It's make or break holiday retail.
Do you think Jeebus planned to put his birthday near the holiday shopping season?
What do you want for Christmas?
Pelvic Exam Day! Tomorrow!
Back to studying.
Wish me lucks.